PUSHING BOUNDARIES | This past weekend the Belton Tiger Powerlifting team was represented by Junior Daniel Arana at the 2...
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PUSHING BOUNDARIES | This past weekend the Belton Tiger Powerlifting team was represented by Junior Daniel Arana at the 2...
- CHRIS HABIN | 3/26/2024
HEADED TO STATE! | On Friday, March 22, the Belton Tigers will be traveling to Abilene Texas to compete in the 2024 Sta...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 3/21/2024
TIGERS TO REGIONAL | This past Saturday the Belton Tigers traveled to Joshua High School to compete in the Region 2 Power...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 3/14/2024
POWERLIFTING REGIONAL MEET | This Saturday two Tigers will be competing in the 2024 Region 2 powerlifting meet. Junior Daniel Ar...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 3/4/2024
GIRLS REGIONAL POWERLIFTING ITINERARY | Thursday, Feb 29 - Weigh In 3:35pm - Release from 8th period 4:15 - Depart from BHS at 4:15 6:00...
- BARRY CAMPBELL | 2/26/2024
13 LADY TIGERS QUALIFY FOR REGION 2 POWERLIFTING MEET | We're excited to announce that we have 13 lifters competing in the Regional Powerlifting Meet on Mar...
- BARRY CAMPBELL | 2/21/2024
BOYS LAST CHANCE MEET | The Belton Tiger Boys will be competing in the Lake Belton Last Chance meet on Thursday at 5:00 pm. ...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 2/20/2024
GIRLS POWERLIFTING ITINERARY - LAKE BELTON MEET | Lake Belton Last Chance Qualifier Meet Thursday, Feb. 15 Location - Lake Belton HS Weight Room ...
- BARRY CAMPBELL | 2/14/2024
BULLDAWG CLASSIC | This past weekend the Tigers traveled to Copperas Cove to compete in the Bulldawg Classic. From sun...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 2/6/2024
POWERLIFTING ITINERARY - BULLDAWG CLASSIC (COPPERAS COVE) | Bulldawg Classic Powerlifting Meet - Saturday, Feb. 3 Location - S.C. Lee Jr. High, 1205 Courtney L...
- BARRY CAMPBELL | 2/1/2024
TIGERS TRAVEL TO WACO UNIVERSITY | On Saturday the Belton Tiger Powerlifting team traveled to Waco University to compete in the Andrew ...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 1/30/2024
POWERLIFTING ITINERARY - WACO'S ANDREW BILLINGS INVITATIONAL | Location - Waco's University HS Saturday, January 27 6:15 - Bus leaves BHS 7:00 - Arrive at Uni...
- BARRY CAMPBELL | 1/25/2024
TIGER ROAD TRIP | The Tigers took to the road this past Saturday for the Yoemen Invitational in Cameron Texas. We had...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 1/22/2024
GIRLS POWERLIFTING MAKE BIG GAINS AT CAMERON YOE MEET | Girls Powerlifting got up early Saturday morning to head to their first of 3 Saturday powerlifting m...
- BARRY CAMPBELL | 1/22/2024
TIGERS INVADE TEMPLE | The Belton Tigers traveled to Temple High School on Wednesday to compete in the Temple Wildcat Invit...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 1/12/2024
TIGERS START THE SEASON | Friday the Tiger Powerlifting took action and competed in the 2nd Annual BISD Invitational. We had ...
- CHRIS HARBIN | 1/7/2024